Friday, September 26, 2014

The Debunking Gangadean page

It has come to my attention that two sites are linking my page. These include, "Debunking Gangadean" and a facebook page called, "Discussing Surrendra Gangadean..." While I'm certainly grateful for the referrals (as it appears some new readers have found my site thanks to them), I want to make it clear that I don't endorse either of those sites. I don't know the author/authors, and based on what I have gathered from a quick survey of the contents, I generally don't agree with the spirit of these sites. My blog is only about philosophical and theological content, and not about poking fun at people that I happen to disagree with nor is it about trying to promulgate details about their personal lives. It's true, I vehemently disagree with Gangadean and company, but this doesn't mean I think they are not worth being treated with respect and basic kindness.

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