Saturday, November 3, 2018

Morpheus gets it

Gangadeanians could really benefit from this very simple distinction as I pointed out in my last post


  1. I made this point in my latest comment, but it appears that Owen has not approved the comment for public viewing or has blocked me. It's unfortunate that he feigns integrity and honest questioning but resorts to censorship and information control. I can't help but think that he's aware of the sham.

    1. Hey Spencer,

      Did you submit it to his blog or the Youtube comments? The reason I ask is that he may not have direct control over the Youtube comments (viz. it might be another Gangadeanian in charge). Also, how long ago did you leave the comment? Yes, it would be very unfortunate if someone is censoring the discussion in this way!


    2. Correction, the Clarity Fund approved my comments after the weekend and no censorship has or was being used (you were right, they have a media director).

    3. Spencer,

      I'm glad that the discussion is continuing. Thanks for the update. Unfortunately, it seems to be going from bad to worse (at least on Anderson's end).

      BTW, good job keeping the discussion about the philosophical issues. It seems like Anderson just keeps trying to evade the topics at hand and to throw you off the trail with stinky fish.

